Ballmerpeak devblog

Software development, related stuff and others


February 06, 2019 — Richárd Thier

Have you ever wanted to create a "screenshot" of a linux terminal? Have you wanted to save the current screen as text-only file?

Enter termshot! A small app written by me for this purpose. :-)



Tags: termshot, asciinema, ascii, vty, screenshot, text, txt, c, open-source, links2, git, linux, terminal, pro, hackz, sysinternals, friend

Awsome linux tools I: Screen capture and stuff

January 21, 2019 — Richárd Thier

When the idea of screen capture comes to our mind many usually think about the youtube-streaming stars and heavy-weight professional applications running on some then-hyped apple device or high-end PC computers.

If you are recording CGI or gaming videos maybe these are necessary anyways, but there are more hacker-friendly, lightweight ways - and on linux. :-)


Tags: linux, tools, scripts, tricks, snipping, tool, screen record, mpv, mp4, gif, screenshot, video, youtube, asciinema, pro, following, cult, hacker

Setting up my own ascii-casting on my blog

January 18, 2019 — Richárd Thier

Uploading live-code like recordings is handy for a blog in many ways. My machine is not the fastest to handle easy MP4 content creation software and I like lightweight solutions anyways.

Asciinema is a nice app for recording the terminal. It closely resembles termrec and earlier alternatives but is much more stable when it comes to handling editors and other things. In this post I show how have I set up a javascript player for asciinema recordings to work with my minimalist blog using (bashblog)


Tags: meta, asciinema, bashblog, asciicast, termrec, blog, terminal, lightweight, fun, tutorial, software-development, linux