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The one-and-true productivity recipe

February 27, 2019 — Richárd Thier

There are a lot of books, blogs, courses on productivity and procrastination, but most of them are complete bullshit that never helps. Take this advice from me and I am quite sure if you can only follow this it will surely help!

Th3 pr0 R3C1P3 F0R G3TT1N Th1ngs D0n3:

  1. Go and do work instead of reading stuff on productivity. Whenever you feel you wanna read, do work immediately!

  2. You do not need planning when you already have at least 5 things planned out. You need doing then much more!

  3. It is simple: Real direct work is best, meaningful activities are second best, wasting time with bullshit is least favorable. Develop HABITS for the former, not plans, not magical stuff but HABITS.

  4. and finally: go and work or do something meaningful right now! I am out for running now. ;-)

These are the four golden rules rules of productivity. Everything else is mostly bullshit. Trust me if you need to read hudred pages on the topic you are doomed and that will not help but make it worse!

Tags: productivity, self-management, procrastination, lifehack, simle, pro, hack, l33t, haxor

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