Ballmerpeak devblog

Software development, related stuff and others

Pro vim development environment 2: mid-level tricks and tips

July 26, 2020 — Richárd Thier

Pro "haxxors" and coders can live without a full-blown IDE and usually prefer a good editor, a good terminal, a good operating system, scripts and habits.

The second part of the vim devenv story. Read on, more heavy, but still mid level stuff is presented here. I am presenting this not from a purely "vim" viewpoint, but from a "what comes up handy when programmng" viewpoint!


Tags: vim, devenv, development, environment, tips, tricks, pro, hacker, hackz, tutorial, linux, bash, sex

Pro vim development environment 1: basics and motivation

April 24, 2020 — Richárd Thier

Pro "haxxors" and coders can live without a full-blown IDE and usually prefer a good editor, a good terminal, a good operating system, scripts and habits.

One such good editor is vim and I thought why not blog down some tips&tricks?

Aside of writing down some neat tricks I wrote and wrote and wrote and my text became a spaghetti whose half is for vim-novices and other half is for mid level and "at least casual" vim users so I thought I seperate these two into their own blog posts or maybe later who knows add more and more parts to this little "vim dev env series".


Tags: vim, devenv, development, environment, tips, tricks, pro, hacker, hackz, tutorial, linux, bash, series

Anti-patterns 1: @Transient fields vs. extender classes

September 06, 2015 — Richárd Thier
The well-known JPA object-relational mapping API enables you to think of database entities like (java) objects. When you search up your entities or query results, basically you get objects whose fields are in correspondance with the columns of the database table. That is very good so far, but sometimes one might use a returned object like this in a GUI application to bind a visible table for the elements or such and you can easily get into situations when you want to extend your entity with some fields that are not represented directly in the database, but you want to appear in the visible representation - or you have similar problems. For those cases one can just create a new class, that embed the JPA entity in itself and provide the new fields - or does not even embed the entity just copy the data from it - but seemingly there is an other possibility that might seem faster: Just adding new fields for the JPA entity and marking them with the @Transient annotation as that means the JPA framework will not take care of that field and its value will never be in the database. Seems right? I hope that I can make you sure to never design code like that unless you really need to use this functionality - it is EVIL! ;-)

In short: I will present with an example why one should try to ensure the entity classes are containing only data that will be stored in the database without added business fields that are never presented in the database. If you need such extra information, create a class that has your entity and the extra information or use DTO objects, but do not use @Transient in new designs when not necessary.


Tags: software-technology, anti-pattern, jpa, java, transient, drawit, vim